writing for a blog

I have more than ten years in this environment because I work directly in the creative market, I use to work for some major brands and there are key points for the wording on how to generate content on the network.

Content generation is now one of the biggest keys to cover your blogs and spaces where articles are determinants for attracting people to your page, being thus traffic generators which optimized give you adequate performance. It is regrettable to see how online 83% of them - according to studies revealed by advertising agencies in Europe and Latin America - are fakes, fake or simply information relevance. Many of these even come to be viral and it is thought that this attracted a strong number of followers, traffic being that they kill the brand slowly not finding how to generate important content.

After a while people begin to doubt what is written on that page, what does make you distrust in all, brand, where he writes, whereupon profiles with fake names and false photographs are used. Behind the agencies that generate these items profit and there are no proper supervision by the company then inevitably fall into problems with the brand. Losing at least between 25 to 35% of your potential customers what is too serious. How to create important content.
  • You need to have a culture in general if you are going to generate content and it should be decisive, if not you read, if you don't research can not contribute more than garbage, own views and not what may actually work. If you specialise, do it really, the world is full of specialists, users of the networks increasingly are discovering more to those written only by doing so. And they do not return.
  • Research clearly market to target your content, don't need to be an SEO expert, even if you operate your web, not just to articles. It seeks to provide clearly the idea of what you want to position.
We started talking about tours and then had to explain how the iPhone helps us for our trip and finally saying that the service provider must comply with the rules.

This is a mistake, although everything is related is not focused: which is the goal of your page, if it is to only attract traffic to generate content, if you offer travel etc. would generate important content for my website? It is the question we always ask.

  • A common user does not want a complicated explanation, want simplicity, something to give him click immediately take me to where I want it to, explain to me and consume less energy. Why are successful Smartphone and the network, by the immediacy, how quickly, the key, by that connection.
  • You need to have a culture in general if you are going to generate content and it should be decisive, if not you read, if you don't research can not contribute more than garbage, own views and not what may actually work. If you specialise, do it really, the world is full of specialists, users of the networks increasingly are discovering more to those written only by doing so. And they do not return.
  • Put a title attraction and people enters, already generate traffic, but again there is errors only put some data scarce 100 words. The user, the Navigator immediately after three or four mistakes observed the link of your page and when you see it you will not click. Then gives the company realized that you haven't positioned nothing, just visits without producing absolutely nothing. Don't do this.
Web site contract

  • The structure, there are people who answer the question of how to create important content on the network. Using his natural way of writing and have success but when there is a better organization this works in a more acceptable manner.
  • We can be empirical a time but not always because there are sharks that have summarized the empirical and improve with the analyzed and studied. A friend once told me that an architect learned of the first Masons who became teachers in the past and she is right; However with the passage of time physics and chemistry they were mixing and then appeared new forms of construction which will optimize results, meshes, the triditek or construction panels. We cannot simply be apprentices, there are pyramidal structures, attack, triangle of intention etc.

  • Keys, keyword, tags, goals are key, don't limit yourself in locating them every time there is more content on the net, if you look at many of the news portals and independent blogs are simple refried which sooner or later must be regularized and also to avoid content piracy. If you avoid from now it will be able to have positioning real when they disappear otherwise could put at risk from the domain with the name to the regulation of your spaces.
  • If you don't know what you market these in a problem, but began to respond to how to create important content on the network. Do it and starts only then you will be learning. You will optimize your article, generate keys, and little by little to have impact. Be clear, keep the idea of what you want to convey, and if you can offer solutions.

There are those who say that for the new technologies, it is best to hire young people, but in this there is no distinction of age, since the experience is not exceeded by much less thrust of youth and youth and desire to do are overcome by the experience, it is a combination of both.

I'd like to share a video with a podcast that I really liked and speaks on the subject


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